Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Plant Starter Kits

My niece brought over a Strawberry Planting Starter Kit that her mom got from Hobbes and Landes (Dunecraft Brand, Imported from the US).

2 Saturdays ago, we started working on it. It came with a dried disc of oil where you just add 2 cups of water. There was also a packet with the seeds. The dried disc of potting soil expanded to fill out the dark green container that it came with.

My niece holding the plant starter kit

Later that evening, I had dinner with my friends in Wilcon Depot in Visayas Ave. I stumbled upon plant starter kits at 1/10th of the price! The brand is Kenko World, but they are located in the CDR-King Store. I'm not sure if the plant starter kits are produced locally or if it's imported from China.

I ended up buying 3 different kits: Mint, Coffee, and Lavender. I also bought a mini-teddy bear for 30 pesos for my niece! :) It came with a pack of sponge-like artificial soil.

(TL: All together with the bear, TR: Lavender with the metal pail, BL: Mint with the green container, BR: Coffee with the Brown Mug

So it's been more than a week already since I planted these. I left it outside. It should have started sprouting by now, but they havent. Probably, the rainy weather hasn't helped (?). The containers that came with the package didn't have drain holes (except for the mint). I don't know for sure.

So anyway, I've transferred them over indoors - maybe that would help.

I'll write more about it if anything happens (whether I throw it out or it sprouts). Maybe then, I'll be able to find out if I can have the same result with the Kenko World ones at 1/10th of the price!


  1. Hi there!! I bought some seed kits from kenko also, I haven't planted them yet, I'm still trying to figure out how to plant the mini bucket, do you have any idea how? And how did yours do? Did they grow or sprout at all?

    1. I wouldn't advise using the bucket. When I put in the artificial soil, only filled up a few mm. from the bottom. It didnt get enough sunlight and since the bucket didn't have drainage holes, the seeds drowned in them. From what I've read, Lavenders need well-drained containers and full sun. I ended up throwing mine away. :(

      Better use a flat dish first with the soil to let it sprout, transfer it to the bucket when it's tall enough. Make sure there's holes in the bucket so the water drains out.

      Here's what I've read about lavenders: http://gardening.about.com/od/perennials/a/Lavender.htm

      Hope it helps!
